Assignment 2: More Programming in Plait


  • Become comfortable with solving recursive problems involves lists and trees in Plait.
  • Know how to translate a written problem statement into a Plait program


  • The Plait tutorial and documentation page:
  • How to Design Programs:


  • Due date: Wednesday January 24 at 11:59PM
  • Upload a code.rkt file with your solution to Gradescope.
  • the first line in code.rkt should be #lang plait.
  • Ask questions on Piazza or during Office Hours.
  • Perform all the work for this project by yourself. You may discuss with your classmates, but you must write your own code.

Exercise 1: Basic lists

Write a function all-greater? l n that takes two arguments – l a list of numbers, and a number n – and returns #t if every element of l is greater than n and #f otherwise.

Example usage:

> (all-greater? '(1 2 9) 0)
> (all-greater? '() 0)

Your solution should make use of the following built-in list functions (see here):

  • empty?
  • first
  • rest

You are encouraged to include least 3 tests for your function.

Exercise 2: Helper functions

Write a function sorted? that takes a list of numbers as an argument and returns #t if the list is sorted from least to greatest and #f otherwise.

Example usage:

> (sorted? '(1 2 3))
> (sorted? '())

You are encouraged to include at least 3 tests for your function.

Exercise 3: Trees

The following Tree datatype implements a binary tree with a number in each node and leaf:

(define-type Tree
  (leaf [val : Number])
  (node [val : Number]
        [left : Tree]
        [right : Tree]))

As an example for how to use this data-type, suppose we want to encode the following tree:

  1  \
    /  \
    4  5

We can write this using our Tree datatype as:

(node 2 (leaf 1) (node 3 (leaf 4) (leaf 5)))

Implement a sum function that takes a Tree as input and returns the sum of all numbers in the tree.

Example usage:

> (sum (node 5 (leaf 6) (leaf 7)))

You are encouraged to include at least 3 tests for your function.

Exercise 4: More trees

Implement the function contains?, which takes a tree and a number as input and returns #t if the number is in the tree and #f otherwise.

Example usage:

> (contains? (node 0 (leaf 4) (leaf 5)) 5)

Exercise 5: Modifying trees

Implement the function nonneg, which takes a Tree as input and returns a tree that is identical to the input except negative values are replaced by 0.

Example usage:

> (nonneg (node -4 (leaf 6) (leaf 7)))
(node 0 (leaf 6) (leaf 7))

You are encouraged to include least 3 tests for your function.