Assignment 9: Continuations
- Due date: Wednesday April 17 at 11:59PM
- Upload your solution as a
file on Gradescope. - Starter code available here
- Ask questions on Piazza or during Office Hours.
- Perform all the work for this project by yourself. You may discuss with your classmates, but you must write your own code.
- Grading: each problem is worth a certain number of points. The points given for each problem is the fraction of tests passed for that problem (i.e., if 50% of the tests are passed for a 20 point problem, 10 points are given) and whether your solution is in continuation-passing style.
Problem 1: Continuation-passing Style [30 pts]
Convert the following functions into continuation-passing form (i.e., all calls must be tail-calls). For each part, you will receive credit for the fraction of our test suite that your solution passes. However, if your solution does not utilize continuations or is not in tail form, you will receive 0 credit.
Problem 1a: Prime Factors [10 pts]
Consider the following function factors
, which compute all prime factors of a positive integer:
(* Helper function for 'factors'. *)
let rec factors_helper (n: int) (d: int): int list =
if n = 1 then []
else if (n mod d) = 0 then d::(factors_helper (n / d) 2)
else factors_helper n (d + 1) ;;
(* Computes all of the prime factors of n. *)
let factors (n: int): int list =
factors_helper n 2 ;;
Example usage:
# factors 1 ;; (* Note, 1 is not a prime number and has no prime factors! *)
- : int list = []
# factors 7 ;; (* 7 is prime, so its only factor is 7. *)
- : int list = [7]
# factors 4662 ;;
- : int list = [2; 3; 3; 7; 37]
Write factors
in tail form by implementing both factors_cps
and factors_helper_cps
provided in the starter code; do not change the types of these functions.
Problem 1b: Binary Trees with Prime Vertices [10 pts]
Recall our binary tree data structure:
(* Represents a binary tree. *)
type btree =
| Leaf of int
| Node of int * btree * btree ;;
Consider the following function all_prime
, which returns true if all of the vertices (both leaves and nodes) in the provided binary tree are prime numbers:
(* Returns true if all vertices (leaves & nodes) in a btree are prime;
otherwise, returns false. *)
let rec all_prime (t: btree): bool =
match t with
| Leaf(n) ->
let num_factors = List.length (factors n) in
num_factors = 1
| Node(n, l, r) ->
let num_factors = List.length (factors n) in
let n_prime = num_factors = 1 in
let left_prime = all_prime l in
let right_prime = all_prime r in
n_prime && left_prime && right_prime ;;
Example usage:
# all_prime (Leaf(1)) ;;
- : bool = false
# all_prime (Node(13, Leaf(7), Node(11, Leaf(31), Leaf(101)))) ;;
- : bool = true
Write all_prime
in tail form by implementing both all_prime_cps
and all_prime_helper_cps
. Again, do not change the types of these functions.
Problem 1c: Zip [10 pts]
Consider the following function zip_with
, which combines two lists with respect to some “zipping” function $f$:
(* Zips two lists into a single list, given a function that combines list
elements pair-wise. *)
let rec zip_with (x: 'a list) (y: 'b list) (f: 'a -> 'b -> 'c): 'c list =
match x, y with
| [], [] -> []
| x::xs, y::ys -> (f x y)::(zip_with xs ys f)
| _ -> raise Runtime
Example usage:
# zip_with [1] [] (fun x -> fun y -> x) ;;
Exception: Runtime.
# zip_with [0; 1; 2] [1; 1; 1] (fun x -> fun y -> (x + y)) ;;
- : int list = [1; 2; 3]
Write zip_with
in tail form by implementing both zip_with_cps
and zip_with_helper_cps
. Note, you may use the provided assert_runtime
function for testing whether calls to zip_with_cps
or zip_with_helper_cps
throw a Runtime
Problem 2: Try-catch Continued [40 pts]
Many programming languages, like OCaml, allow programmers to catch and handle different variants of exceptions separately:
exception Odd_number_exception ;;
(* Returns true if the provided integer is even; returns false otherwise. *)
let is_even (n: int): bool =
if n = 0 then raise (Invalid_argument "zero is even!")
else if (n mod 2) = 0 then raise Division_by_zero
else raise Odd_number_exception
| Division_by_zero -> true)
| Odd_number_exception -> false)
| Invalid_argument(_) -> true ;;
Notice, because Odd_number_exception
is not handled by the third (inner-most) try
block, it bubbles up and is caught by the second try
block. Likewise, any raised Invalid_argument
exception bubbles up past the second and third try
blocks before being caught caught by the first (outer-most) try
block. Hence, this function works as intended:
# is_even 2 ;;
- : bool = true
# is_even 7 ;;
- : bool = false
In this problem, we will extend the try-catch language from lecture to include an arbitrary number of exception handlers, following the semantics of the OCaml code presented above.
Consider the following $\lambda$-calculus with try-catch:
module StringMap = Map.Make(String) ;;
(* Syntax for expressions in the extended try-catch language. *)
type texp =
| Var of string
| Lam of string * texp
| App of texp * texp
(* Follows the syntax: Try(try_exp, exception_code, catch_exp) *)
| Try of texp * int * texp
(* Follows the syntax: Raise(exception_code) *)
| Raise of int ;;
(* Syntax for values in the extended try-catch language. *)
type tvalue =
(* Follows the syntax: Lam(x, closure, body) *)
| Lam of string * tvalue StringMap.t * texp ;;
Your primary task is to implement the interpreter interp_h
, a continuation-passing style interpreter that interprets expressions from the texp
language. This interpreter should satisfy the following criteria:
, andApp
correspond to variables, $\lambda$ terms, and function application in the $\lambda$-calculus, respectively.Raise
follows the syntaxRaise(exception_code)
, whereexception_code
is an integer representing the variant of exception that is raised.Try
follows the syntaxTry(try_exp, exception_code, catch_exp)
will attempt to interprettry_exp
and catch any raised exceptions with codeexception_code
by interpretingcatch_exp
. If an exception with a different code thanexception_code
is raised, then it “bubbles up” (as illustrated in the example above).- If the interpreter encounters an uncaught exception, it raises an
exception. - If the interpreter encounters an unbounded variable, it raises a
After completing your implementation of interp_h
, implement interp
, which calls interp_h
with an initial environment, default continuation, and hanlder map.
Example usage:
# interp (Try(Raise(0), 0, Lam("x", Var("x")))) ;;
- : tvalue = Lam ("x", <abstr>, Var "x")
# interp (Try(Raise(1), 0, Lam("x", Var("x")))) ;;
Exception: Uncaught_exception.
Note, in order to receive full credit for your solution, interp_h
must utilize continuations and be in tail form. You may use the provided assert_runtime
and assert_uncaught
functions while testing if calls to interp
or interp_h
raise a Runtime
or Uncaught_exception
, respectively.
Problem 3: The A Normal Form [30pts]
A Normal Forms (ANF)
A Normal Form (ANF) is one of the most well-studied and used representations of functional programs. It was discovered by Amr Sabry and Matthias Felleisen (yes, Northeastern’s Matthias) in 1992 as an alternative to CPS transformations.
The core idea of ANF is to eliminate nested computation by allowing only constants or variables in function arguments. For example, the arithmetic expression
(2 + 3) * 4
will instead be
let x = 2 + 3 in
let x' = x * 4 in
Why would we want to do this? The answer is that we eventually want to compile functional languages to an instruction set like assembly code. You might remember from Assignment 8 that implementing a direct translation of nested computation (like Pairs) directly to assembly was tricky. But in an ANF grammar, translating to an assembly-like language is drastically simplified.
ANF | ARM Assembly Pseudocode |
let x = 2 + 3 in let x' = x * 4 in x' | ADD R0, #2, #3 MUL R0, R0, #4 END |
In the pseudocode above, we are first loading register 0 with the value of adding 2 and 3. Then, we multiply the contents of register 0 by 4 then replace with that value. Then, we end our program by returning the contents of register 0.
The intuition as to why the translation is so simplified is because ANF requires every function (such as +
and *
) to terminate in exactly one step, much like assembly languages do.
Problem Statement
Consider the following grammar of a simple arithmetic language:
type calc =
| Const of int
| Add of calc * calc
| Mul of calc * calc
| Sub of calc * calc
| Div of calc * calc
Your task is to convert arithmetic expressions into the following ANF grammar:
type value = Var of string | Const of int
type arith_anf =
| Val of value
| Add of value * value
| Mul of value * value
| Sub of value * value
| Div of value * value
type calc_anf =
| Finally of arith_anf
| Let of string * arith_anf * calc_anf
We suggest you experiment with the given functions eval_calc
and eval_calc_anf
to get a feel
Problem 3.[30pts]
Implement to_anf
, a function of type calc -> calc_anf
that converts a nested arithmetic expression into ANF. To do this you must implement a helper function to_anf_h
of type calc -> (value -> calc_anf) -> calc_anf
that will guide the recursive ANF transformation using continuations.
Your to_anf_h
must be written in tail-form: not using tail-form will receive a score of zero points, regardless of autograder output.
Additionally, using eval_calc
anywhere in your solution besides tests will receive a score of zero points, regardless of autograder output.
To earn all points, the following must be true for all e : calc
eval_calc e = eval_calc_anf (to_anf e)
You may use the provided helper function fresh
, in which invoking fresh ()
will generate a string
of a fresh variable name.
Hint: There are several valid outputs of to_anf
, some easier to implement than others. For example, the following are all valid outputs of to_anf (Mul (Add (Const 2, Const 3), Const 4))
Let ("x0", Add (Const 2, Const 3),
Let ("x1", Mul (Var "x0", Const 4),
Finally (Val (Var "x1"))))
Let ("x0", Add (Const 2, Const 3),
Finally (Mul (Var "x0", Const 4)))
Let ("x0", Val (Const 2),
Let ("x1", Val (Const 3),
Let ("x2", Add (Var "x0", Var "x1"),
Let ("x3", Val (Const 4),
Let("x4", Mul(Var "x2", Var "x3"),
Finally (Val (Var "x4")))))))