7 Types
Well-typed programs can’t go wrong.
Milner, Robin. "A theory of type polymorphism in programming." Journal of computer and system sciences 17.3 (1978): 348-375.
#include <stdio.h> |
#include <stdint.h> |
int main() { |
uint64_t my_num = 10; |
printf("Hello, World! %ld\n", my_num); |
return 0; |
} |
A type is a collection of values. In the above C program, the type uint64_t is the collection of all possible unsigned 64-bit integer values.
Types restrict the kinds of programs that you can write. For instance, in Plait, you cannot write this program:
(+ "hello" 1)
If you try, you will get an error that says something like "typecheck failed: Number vs. String". A type system is the set of rules that a program must follow in order to be well-typed. A type checker is a program that checks whether or not your program is well-typed.
Physical reasons. In order to run programs we need to run it on a low-level CPU that doesn’t know about strings, Booleans, etc. Types tell the compiler what shape data has so it can know how to map it into something the CPU understands. This can make writing compilers much easier, and it was the initial motivation for introducing types into programs.
Logical reasons. Types convey a lot of information about how programs behave to the compiler and to other programmers beyond how that information is represented physically on the computer. Types are used as a means to (1) find and prevent certain kinds of bugs, (2) provide checked specifications for how programs behave, (3) aid in the creation of developer tools, and more.
Our goal in this module is to explore the design and implementation of type systems for various programming languages. This is a rich and deep topic within programming languages research and practice; we will only scratch the surface here.
In order to be useful, a type checker should satisfy the following key properties:
Soundness. If a program is well-typed, then it should be free of whatever kind of error the type system is trying to prevent.
Expressivity. It should be possible to write interesting well-typed programs.
Usability. A programmer should be able to write well-typed programs without too much trouble.
Your type checker should not try to solve world peace or the Halting problem.
Efficiency. It should be faster to run the type-checker than it is to run the program. This is partially motivated by the typical use-case of type systems: we want to run our type-checking algorithm every time the user changes their code, and programs that users write might take a very long time to run.
As we design our type checkers for our languages, we will seek to ensure that each type checker satisfies the above four properties.
7.1 Designing a Typesystem for IfLang
Let’s see an example of designing a typechecker for the IfLang language we have been studying. First, we recall the abstract syntax and definitional interpreter for IfLang:
> (define-type IfLang (numI [value : Number]) (addI [e1 : IfLang] [e2 : IfLang]) (boolI [value : Boolean]) (ifI [guard : IfLang] [thn : IfLang] [els : IfLang]))
> (define-type Value (numV [v : Number]) (boolV [v : Boolean])) > (interp-ite : (IfLang -> Value))
> (define (interp-ite e) (type-case IfLang e [(numI n) (numV n)] [(boolI b) (boolV b)] [(addI e1 e2) (let ([v1 (numV-v (interp-ite e1))] [v2 (numV-v (interp-ite e2))]) (numV (+ v1 v2)))] [(ifI guard thn els) (if (boolV-v (interp-ite guard)) (interp-ite thn) (interp-ite els))]))
Currently, it is possible for IfLang programs to cause runtime errors:
> (interp-ite (ifI (numI 10) (numI 15) (numI 30))) boolV-v: contract violation ...
The first step in designing a typechecker is to establish the soundness guarantees of that typechecker, i.e., which kinds of bugs ought to be prevented. Here, we will say that our IfLang typechecker is sound if it rejects all IfLang programs that cause runtime errors in our definitional interpreter.
Let’s implement a typechecker that eliminates runtime errors. Let’s pause on this point: can’t a silly type checker just reject all programs? Such a typechecker is surely sound, but it is not useful, because we still want to be able to write programs. So, a second requirement on type systems is that they are expressive: we can’t just reject all programs, including the valid ones.
Let’s write down some examples of the kinds of runtime errors our progams can have that we want our type system to prevent:
Using a Number in a position where a Boolean is expected, like (ifI (numI 10) (numI 15) (numI 30))
Using a Boolean in a position where a number is expected, like (addI (boolI #t) (numI 10))
Now we are ready to make our type checker. Like our interpreters, our type checker will work by checking that each subprogram is itself well-typed. We can write a function called type-of that associates each IfLang program with its type. The type of type-of will be (IfLang -> IfType).
What is our "type of types"? In this instance, we have two possible types: numbers and Booleans.
> (define-type IfType [numT] [boolT])
Now we are ready to implement our typechecker. Let’s start filling it in. The first few cases aren’t so bad:
(type-of : (IfLang -> Number)) (define (type-of e) (type-case IfLang e [(numI n) (numT)] [(boolI b) (boolT)] [(addI e1 e2) (if (and (equal? (type-of e1) (numT)) (equal? (type-of e2) (numT))) (numT) (error 'type "expected int"))] [(ifI g thn els) ???]))
Notice how the addI case checks that both e1 and e2 are the correct type before returning numT as the resulting type of the expression.
Now, how do we typecheck ifI? Certainly we should ensure that the guard is a Boolean:
(type-of : (IfLang -> Number)) (define (type-of e) (type-case IfLang e [(numI n) (numT)] [(boolI b) (boolT)] [(addI e1 e2) (if (and (equal? (type-of e1) (numT)) (equal? (type-of e2) (numT))) (numT) (error 'type "expected int"))] [(ifI g thn els) (if (equal? (type-of g) (boolT)) ??? (error 'type "expectec bool") )]))
Now, what do we do for the ???? Here we encounter a conondrum, because we can have a program like this:
(ifI <very complex expression> (boolI #t) (numI 10))
Depending on what <very complex expression> evaluates to, this program could be have type boolT or numT. How do we resolve this?
We can give up some expressivity in the name of efficiency: we can reject some programs that do not cause runtime errors for the sake of a faster typechecker.
We can expand our set of types to include types like "unknown" or "bool+int". This may compromise soundness, depending on how we deal withg these new types in our typechecker.
We can give up on efficiency and run <very complex expression> to a value. Depending on if that value is #t or #f, we can output the type of corresponding branch.
We choose the first option. This is a design decision because it involves tradeoffs between design objectives. Most languages that have type checkers make this decision, including Plait. Plait requires that both branches of an if expression have the same type, or it will raise a type error:
(if #t #t #f) - Boolean #t (if #t 10 #f) typecheck failed: Number vs. Boolean sources: 10 #f
We will make the same compromise as Plait and require that both branches of an if-expression return the same type:
> (type-of : (IfLang -> IfType))
> (define (type-of e) (type-case IfLang e [(numI n) (numT)] [(boolI b) (boolT)] [(addI e1 e2) (if (and (equal? (type-of e1) (numT)) (equal? (type-of e2) (numT))) (numT) (error 'type "expected int"))] [(ifI g thn els) (if (equal? (type-of g) (boolT)) (let [(t-thn (type-of thn)) (t-els (type-of els))] (if (equal? t-thn t-els) t-thn (error 'type "expected thn and els to have same type"))) (error 'type "expected bool"))]))
Finally, we can test our typechecker. We will have two kinds of tests: soundness tests that check for type errors and expressivity tests that ensure that valid programs do not raise type errors.
First, some expressivity tests:
> (test (type-of (addI (numI 1) (numI 2))) (numT))
- Void
good (type-of (addI (numI 1) (numI 2))) at line 9
expected: (numT)
given: (numT)
> (test (type-of (addI (addI (numI 1) (numI 3)) (numI 2))) (numT))
- Void
good (type-of (addI (addI (numI 1) (numI 3)) (numI 2))) at line 10
expected: (numT)
given: (numT)
> (test (type-of (ifI (boolI #t) (numI 10) (numI 20))) (numT))
- Void
good (type-of (ifI (boolI #t) (numI 10) (numI 20))) at line 11
expected: (numT)
given: (numT)
Next, some soundness tests:
> (test/exn (type-of (addI (boolI #t) (numI 2))) "type")
- Void
good (type-of (addI (boolI #t) (numI 2))) at line 12
expected: "type"
given: "type: expected int"
> (test/exn (type-of (ifI (boolI #f) (numI 10) (boolI #t))) "type")
- Void
good (type-of (ifI (boolI #f) (numI 10) (boolI #t))) at line 13
expected: "type"
given: "type: expected thn and els to have same type"
7.1.1 Making a type-check? function
Now that we’ve made a type-of function, we can use this function to create a type-check? function that returns #t if a IfLang program is well-typed and #f otherwise:
> (type-check? : (IfLang -> Boolean))
> (define (type-check? e) (try (begin (type-of e) #t) (λ () #f)))
> (test (type-check? (addI (numI 1) (numI 2))) #t)
- Void
good (type-check? (addI (numI 1) (numI 2))) at line 16
expected: #t
given: #t
> (test (type-check? (addI (boolI #t) (numI 2))) #f)
- Void
good (type-check? (addI (boolI #t) (numI 2))) at line 17
expected: #f
given: #f
7.1.2 The Typechecker Design Recipe
"In sum, teaching mathematics insisted on these points:
the solution process
the ability to provide justifications for each step
a clean presentation that would imply a justification if it was omitted."
Matthias Felleisen, The Design Recipe
Create examples that demonstrate all the soundness bugs that you want your typechecker to prevent.
Create a datatype for representing the kinds of types your programs have. You can build this datatype by thinking about what kinds of values your program has and how you may need to sort them into buckets; think of each type like a bucket of values.
Create a function type-of that associates each term of your language with its type. This program should raise a type error if no type for a term exists, and be efficient to run on programs.
Test your type-of function for expressivity by making sure well-typed programs pass, and test it for soundness by making sure ill-typed programs fail.
7.2 Simply-Typed Lambda Calculus (STLC)
These notes are a bit more condensed than normal; if you want more details you should watch the lecture recording.
> (define-type LType [NumT] [FunT (arg : LType) (body : LType)])
> (define-type LExp [varE (s : Symbol)] [numE (n : Number)] [lamE (arg : Symbol) (typ : LType) (body : LExp)] [appE (e : LExp) (arg : LExp)])
We can give the following surface syntax description of for this abstract syntax:
( ‹expr› )
λ ‹ident› : ‹t› . ‹expr›
‹expr› ‹expr›
( ‹t› )
‹t› -> ‹t›
Figure 10: Surface syntax for the simply-typed lambda calculus.
Some examples of parsing terms:
Surface syntax |
| Abstract syntax datastructure |
\lambda x : \texttt{Num} . x |
| (lamE ’x (NumT) (identE ’x)) |
\lambda x : \texttt{Num -> Num} . (x~5) |
| (lamE ’x (FunT (NumT) (NumT)) (appE (identE ’x) (numE 5))) |
> (subst : (LExp Symbol LExp -> LExp))
> (define (subst e1 x e2) (type-case LExp e1 [(varE s) (if (symbol=? s x) e2 (varE s))] [(numE n) (numE n)] [(lamE id typ body) (if (symbol=? x id) (lamE id typ body) (lamE id typ (subst body x e2)))] [(appE e1App e2App) (appE (subst e1App x e2) (subst e2App x e2))]))
> (define (interp e) (type-case LExp e [(varE s) (error 'runtime "unbound symbol")] [(lamE id typ body) (lamE id typ body)] [(numE n) (numE n)] [(appE e1 e2) (letrec [(e1V (interp e1)) (body (lamE-body e1V)) (id (lamE-arg e1V)) (argV (interp e2))] (interp (subst body id argV)))]))
Following our type design recipe, our goal is to design our type system to eliminate runtime errors. We can identify the following kinds of runtime errors we would like to eliminate:
Calling a non-function, programs like: (10~20)
Calling a function with the wrong argument type, like \lambda x : ((\texttt{Num} \rightarrow \texttt{Num}) \rightarrow \texttt{Num}) . (x~5)
Now we can design a typechecker to eliminate these errors. For convenience, here is a full implementation of the STLC in one place:
(define-type LType [NumT] [FunT (arg : LType) (body : LType)]) (define-type LExp [varE (s : Symbol)] [numE (n : Number)] [lamE (arg : Symbol) (typ : LType) (body : LExp)] [appE (e : LExp) (arg : LExp)]) ; perform e1[x |-> e2] (subst : (LExp Symbol LExp -> LExp)) (define (subst e1 x e2) (type-case LExp e1 [(varE s) (if (symbol=? s x) e2 (varE s))] [(numE n) (numE n)] [(lamE id typ body) (if (symbol=? x id) (lamE id typ body) ; shadowing case (lamE id typ (subst body x e2)))] [(appE e1App e2App) (appE (subst e1App x e2) (subst e2App x e2))])) (define (interp e) (type-case LExp e [(varE s) (error 'runtime "unbound symbol")] [(lamE id typ body) (lamE id typ body)] [(numE n) (numE n)] [(appE e1 e2) ; run e1 to get (lambda (id) body) ; run e2 to get a value argV ; run body[id |-> v] (letrec [(e1V (interp e1)) (body (lamE-body e1V)) (id (lamE-arg e1V)) (argV (interp e2))] (interp (subst body id argV)))])) (define-type-alias TEnv (Hashof Symbol LType)) (define mt-env (hash empty)) ;; "empty environment" (define (lookup (n : TEnv) (s : Symbol)) (type-case (Optionof LType) (hash-ref n s) [(none) (error 'type-error "unrecognized symbol")] [(some v) v])) (extend : (TEnv Symbol LType -> TEnv)) (define (extend old-env new-name value) (hash-set old-env new-name value)) (define (type-of env e) (type-case LExp e [(varE s) (lookup env s)] [(numE n) (NumT)] [(lamE arg typ body) (FunT typ (type-of (extend env arg typ) body))] [(appE e1 e2) (let [(t-e1 (type-of env e1)) (t-e2 (type-of env e2))] (type-case LType t-e1 [(FunT tau1 tau2) (if (equal? tau1 t-e2) tau2 (error 'type-error "invalid function call"))] [else (error 'type-error "invalid function call")]))])) (test (interp (appE (lamE 'x (NumT) (varE 'x)) (numE 10))) (numE 10)) (test (type-of mt-env (appE (lamE 'x (NumT) (varE 'x)) (numE 10))) (NumT)) Figure 11: Implementation of the simply-typed lambda calculus with numbers.